A man standing next to a blue medical device.

Bio-Hacking: Tap into your FULL POTENTIAL with Hyperbaric Oxygen

The decision to begin hyperbaric oxygen therapy is definitely going to change your life for the better. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) is becoming a multipurpose tool and a big game-changer for people looking for effective recovery after various illnesses, recovery after sports performance, or a wellness tool to enhance their health levels.

When you design a health protocol aimed at bio-hacking your body for systemic benefits, it’s a wise idea to consider the therapeutic effects of oxygen under pressure.

The main mission in bio-hacking is to optimize human performance, health, and well-being using integrative methods that bring together science, technology, biology (human physiology) and nutrition. In practice, if you can design the right balance for your life in terms of sleep, nutrition, body exercise, work, personal development and mindfulness, your body will thank you. 

In the same way one can hack a computer, biohacking is about using science to improve our health with a goal to prolong our life expectancy. In simple words, biohackers want to make their bodies and brains function better by “hacking” their biology.

More than trying to overhaul your life 360 degrees, the purpose of bio-hacking is to implement the 20% upgrades that will bring you 80% of the necessary results. In terms of efficiency, hyperbaric oxygen therapy is part of that 20% that can make all the difference. With HBOT we are using nature and latest technology to optimize our health, performance and wellbeing.

HBOT is one of the few non-invasive therapies that can deliver practical, evidence-based results to improve your health, optimize body and brain performance and help you age beautifully.

What HBOT does is simulate underwater diving conditions inside the hyperbaric chamber and diffuse more oxygen gas into the blood while the body is under pressure. The oxygen dissolves into plasma because of Henry’s Law, a physics law that states that the more pressure that is exerted on a gas, the more that gas will go from gaseous to liquid form. Hyperbaric oxygen dissolves into plasma, therefore penetrates the whole body and nourishes organs, tissues and bones.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is a non-invasive practice where you breathe pure oxygen through an oxygen mask at 2.0 ATA pressure, twice the normal atmospheric pressure, inside the hyperbaric oxygen chamber. The health benefits have been studied and the FDA has approved using Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy to treat over 80 different conditions and it is frequently recommended for accelerated recovery from surgery and injury.

At Journey Wellness Center we know it’s important to approach HBOT as part of a comprehensive treatment plan under the guidance of healthcare professionals experienced in treating a variety of conditions and HBOT. We practice hands on care and treatment and seek to integrate our understanding of HBOT’s role in autoimmune disease management.

Visit JourneyNapa.com today to schedule a consultation with our Certified Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Professionals. Ask about our New Patient Special